Legends Program Explained

The Legend Program is our opportunity to give Recognition to those LMS Players who are champions of our game, who play LMS week in, week out and come to embody the spirit of LMS. True Legends in every meaning of the word!
The Legend Program also gives us the opportunity to offer the Last Man Stands Loyalty Scheme which will be available to all our players, rewarding them for participation and performance in each game they play.  Rewards will begin with increasing bonuses and benefits as players move up the levels.
How are Legend Points (LPs) amassed?
The LP system is based on an algorithm made up of the following parts:
1. Participation Points - Points are accumulated with every game played - the more games you play, the quicker you amass Legend Points
2. Batting Points - Points are awarded based on runs scored, strike rate and bonuses for remaining Not Out
3. Bowling Points - Points are awarded based on wickets taken and economy rate
4. Fielding Points - Points are awarded for catches, run outs and stumpings
PLEASE NOTE: A player will not receive participation points towards their LP Total if they do not have a confirmed email address. Once an email address is confirmed they will receive all of their outstanding participation points for all games they have played.
To Confirm and already associated email address log into lastmanstands.com. To add a new email address and confirm it, a player can ask their team organiser to add it via the "add / edit player" option on their team dashboard. If a player can't remember their password they can go to the forgotten password link 
Legend Program Levels & Points Needed to Achieve (see table below)
  • The points that Players accumulate help them move onto each level as the threshold is passed. 
  • Reaching Legend Status depends on frequency of play and standard of performance...Speed with which a player can reach Legend status is in their hands...

Legend Program Levels

Level NameLP Needed
1 Beginner 150 LP
2 Social 2500 LP
3 Amateur 7500 LP
4 Club 15000 LP
5 Representative 25000 LP
6 International 35000 LP
7 Ultimate 45000 LP
8 Hero 55000 LP
9 Super Star 65000 LP
10 Genius 75000 LP
11 Legends 100000 LP
12 Clint De Bruyn Player with most LP

How can I see my Legend Points Total?
There are various ways to check your Legend Points Total
1. Your Player Profile Page
2. Your shop.lastmanstands.com account (click on Awards at the top of the Home Page)
3. Via the email you will receive after each game which will give your match LP breakdown

LMS Legend Program Awards 
  • Players are awarded as they scale up the levels.  
  • Their frequency of play and performance is rewarded with benefits & bonuses. The benefits & bonuses increase as players climb the levels.
  • The Awards (Loyalty Scheme) part of the program will be rolled out country by country over the next 6 -8 months. Upon launch, each player will be able to see their Awards (bonuses & benefits) on their shop account.  

LMS Legends Cap Presentation Format
Upon reaching Legend status, our player is presented with one of our exclusive LMS Legend caps. This is presented by the Franchise Owner to the LMS Legend. Photos of this presentation will be shared by Global throughout our LMS community, announcing our newest Legend and adding them to the esteemed LMS Legend Roll of Honour.

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