Corey Marshall - LMS Legend


Another new Legend to hail from Ipswich, Australia, this week is Corey ‘Cozza’ Marshall.

One of our longer standing players, well known to all in Southern QLD, Corey is a veteran in his region with 13 years LMS service and one of the founder members of LMS powerhouses, 2 times National Champs, the 2 nd XI, with whom he has played 357 of his 430 total LMS games.

With the 2nd XI, Corey has won numerous titles across Ipswich and Brisbane as well as participated in 2 World Champs campaigns.

Corey gained most fame on the global scene for “changing” the Steal Rule with a ridiculous last ball play in the 2017 LMS World Champs in South Africa to get his beloved 2nd Xl home.

Now for a look in detail…. it’s a phenomenal set of stats!


430 Matches
355 Innings
Runs 5588
Average 22.0
Strike Rate 144.95
HS 104*
Fifties 15
Hundreds 1

Overs 1099.3
Wickets 350
Economy 7.40
3fa/5fa 28/3
BB 6/14
National Bowling Ranking 62


Multiple Ipswich/Brisbane Div 1 titles
Multiple Bowler of the Season Div 1 Ipswich

Ipswich Franchise Owner, Andy Levett commented “Absolute champion of a man on and off the pitch. AJ would be proud as punch, as are myself and Brissy Management Dayne and Johnny.

Good luck the rest of the year LEGEND”

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