Day 7 of the Last Man Stands World Champs 2023 has finished, the quarter-finals are over and we're down to the last 4 teams. It's been another day of fantastic cricket, you can see a round up of the games below.

Day 7 had some Phenomenal moments and we've picked a few of them to show below but you should check our Facebook page to see everything from today as there were so many we could have chosen.



Day 7 was another day of fantastic performances, congratulations to everyone below


 Day 8 is the final day of the LMS World Champs 2023, the final four teams will be battling it out to see who is crowned LMS World Champions 2023. The Semi Finals and Final will be live streamed on Facebook and Youtube, make sure to tune into the Final at 4PM Cape Town time (2PM GMT). You can see the Semi Final bracket below

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