(0.0 Overs )
(0.0 Overs )

The game was a tie

The Player of the Game will be announced once the match has ended

The Challengers vs The Tiny Boy Squad
Tournament: South Brisbane Division 4
Date: 19/05/2024
Time: 11:45
Venue: Kianawah Park 2, Wynnum Rd, Tingalpa
The Challengers Rumoured Line Up

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Ebad Malik8325.4336.41
Imran Li3416.8631.60
Kamil Rasheed1534.0020.78
Kamil Qureshi910.4023.83
Muhammad Fahad86.0028.16
Safdar Ali1016.6626.00
Sajjad Aqua1140.1627.75
Sultan Mehmood1146.0035.16
The Tiny Boy Squad Rumoured Line Up

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Aaron Tregoning814.5024.50
Elliot McBride1543.8137.00
James Norman7917.2831.91
Josh Bayly513.3332.00
Mick Mitchell5155.2325.36
Nelson Graham12.0019.00
Reid Graham419.0029.00
Sho Tominaga

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