(0.0 Overs )
(0.0 Overs )

The game was a tie

The Player of the Game will be announced once the match has ended

Benchwarmers 2.0 vs Original KRCC
Tournament: West Sydney Saturday Div 1
Date: 15/06/2024
Time: 9:20
Venue: Pearce Reserve
Umpire(s): Pavan Chelvaraj,
Benchwarmers 2.0 Rumoured Line Up

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Ahsan Siddiqui4824.6630.20
Ayaz Sohail 17.00.00
Geerthan Kumaran4036.2517.56
Saad Khan5419.9624.85
Sami Khan3417.7618.33
Syed rayyan Rameez427.0018.00
Ziad Qaiser3332.8032.00
Zubin Mirzan11620.4637.28
Original KRCC Rumoured Line Up

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Aarav Thakker545.7521.75
Darsh Patel522.0022.75
Dhruv Amin
Jagbir Malhi310.00.00
Kunj Changela774.7510.00
Panth Patel54.0047.66
Rehan Shah51.6645.00
Rishab Shah849.0022.71

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