138 / 8
(19.1 Overs )
140 / 1
(18.2 Overs )

Lankan BC Cricket Club 1 Won by 7 wickets
Player of the Match

Surrey Sloggers vs Lankan BC Cricket Club 1
Tournament: LMS BC Blasters - Season 2024
Date: 07/05/2024
Time: 17:30
Venue: Sperling - North - Burnaby
Umpire(s): Shihab H,
Batted First: Surrey Sloggers
Surrey Sloggers scored 138 / 8 after 19.1 overs
Lankan BC Cricket Club 1 scored 140 / 1 after 18.2 overs
Match Result: Lankan BC Cricket Club 1 Won by 7 wickets
Player of the Match: Shams Mohamed (Lankan BC Cricket Club 1)
Surrey Sloggers Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Muhammad Abdullah Gondal5415.1236.41
Muhammad Waleed Tariq2923.0824.85
Junaid Javed1535.7255.66
Saqib Mahmood1416.2725.00
Sahilpreet Singh1233.0021.36
Muhammad Ashfaq khan64.0043.33
Ali Hasan Raza512.0014.00
Asad Riaz11.00.00
Junaid Baber16.00.00
Lankan BC Cricket Club 1 Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Shafras Azarul4711.0948.73
Mohamed Shiyaz3455.6419.56
Amr Mohommad Junood3126.6039.33
Umair Mohammed 2443.9221.83
Shams Mohamed1844.0023.26
Roshan Mohamed1333.2013.75
Irshad Abdeen535.00.00
Mohamed imran441.0051.00

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