110 / 1
(12.4 Overs )
107 / 6
(20.0 Overs )

Sons of Pitches Sandton Won by 7 wickets
Player of the Match

Sons of Pitches Sandton vs Run Raiders
Tournament: Joburg Sunday 2
Date: 05/05/2024
Time: 14:45
Venue: Marks Park Top
Umpire(s): Kwazinkosi Ncube, Milton Takaidza,
Batted First: Run Raiders
Run Raiders scored 107 / 6 after 20.000 overs
Sons of Pitches Sandton scored 110 / 1 after 12.400 overs
Match Result: Sons of Pitches Sandton Won by 7 wickets
Player of the Match: Quintin van Vuuren (Sons of Pitches Sandton)
Sons of Pitches Sandton Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
David Moolman16632.2723.38
Marius Van Der Nest14514.2631.16
Graeme Bain8927.4535.54
Quintin van Vuuren4722.6118.54
Rob Holmes1339.0027.66
Kieran Anderson10136.0021.80
Reinhardt Liebenberg410.5052.00
Adam Thatcher225.0034.00
Run Raiders Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Javeed Noorbhai28824.9241.20
Sameer Ballim12223.5527.97
Pratham Berawala6015.5127.96
Adnan Saiyed539.8328.05
Ayaz Saiyed4919.8233.20
MS Hussain1146.14.00
Chris Bothma1013.2528.11
Ab Syed66.5071.00

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