89 / 8
(17.1 Overs )
251 / 3
(20.0 Overs )

PwC - Birmingham Won by 162 runs
Player of the Match

Bazz Ball vs PwC - Birmingham
Tournament: Aston Park Midweek League
Date: 03/06/2024
Time: 18:15
Venue: Aston Park (B66JD)
Umpire(s): Rafay Ahmed (Ls),
Batted First: PwC - Birmingham
PwC - Birmingham scored 251 / 3 after 20.000 overs
Bazz Ball scored 89 / 8 after 17.100 overs
Match Result: PwC - Birmingham Won by 162 runs
Player of the Match: Anuman Goel (PwC - Birmingham)
Bazz Ball Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Zain Waqar103.0092.75
ibrar mohammed925.3782.25
sattar hussain922.3742.20
junaid ramadan911.7753.50
rahmat mustafa811.71114.33
tehyab ali78.66158.00
hammad amjad52.0079.00
jabbar hussain48.00.00
PwC - Birmingham Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Swapnil Banerjee1421.5458.00
Anuman Goel1148.5728.00
Syed Shayan Sabih820.2515.58
Mohad Saeed725.3316.00
Abdul Ahad Halaree551.66.00
Kushal Pathak412.0071.00
Sohit Singh 284.0043.00
Ronan Smith 19.0012.00

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