162 / 5
(20.0 Overs )
166 / 2
(18.1 Overs )

9 STARS. Won by 6 wickets
Player of the Match
51 (27)


PwC - Birmingham vs 9 STARS.
Tournament: Aston Park Midweek League
Date: 21/05/2024
Time: 18:15
Venue: Aston Park (B66JD)
Umpire(s): Rafay Ahmed (Ls),
Batted First: PwC - Birmingham
PwC - Birmingham scored 162 / 5 after 20.0 overs
9 STARS. scored 166 / 2 after 18.1 overs
Match Result: 9 STARS. Won by 6 wickets
Player of the Match: Usaama Khan (9 STARS.)
PwC - Birmingham Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Swapnil Banerjee1421.5458.00
Rahul Kotha1228.50125.00
Manpreet Singh916.1245.66
George Ridley813.1647.00
Samuel Dexter821.8549.40
Campbell Antrobus410.0033.00
Tom Dexter 226.0058.00
Hayden Froggatt2108.0037.00
9 STARS. Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Usaama Khan1687.0067.66
Rohan Basharat1529.7127.75
Rohaan Mahmood1017.7562.25
Amaan Ali1021.8725.66
Hasnain Ali75.3336.25
Ismail Aziz376.0043.00
Mohsin Waheed323.5024.00
Zohaib Khalid128.00.00

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