127 / 5
(19.1 Overs )
196 / 2
(20.0 Overs )

Spinners Won by 69 runs
Player of the Match
51 (26)


Tipsy vs Spinners
Tournament: North Brisbane Division 4
Date: 02/06/2024
Time: 14:45
Venue: Mt Maria Playing Fields - Lade Street, Gaythorne
Umpire(s): Shah Mohammed,
Batted First: Spinners
Spinners scored 196 / 2 after 20.000 overs
Tipsy scored 127 / 5 after 19.100 overs
Match Result: Spinners Won by 69 runs
Player of the Match: Najib Ahmad (Spinners)
Tipsy Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Kane Jongeling14615.2935.09
Jeff Mitchell12653.7635.81
Michael Earner7841.8929.69
Mark Brown3458.1633.69
Michael Wildermuth161.91217.50
Carl Dash1116.5733.85
Spinners Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Damien Milsom39533.9832.03
Safi Ahmad11437.2528.19
Najib Ahmad9752.1632.24
James MacDonald8424.0637.28
Cameron Ferguson7926.2235.30
Brendan Logan7523.2741.16
Josh Cockburn2669.1216.73
Andy Senior138.4250.66

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