158 / 7
(20.0 Overs )
161 / 5
(17.3 Overs )

SWINDON HUNTERS Won by 3 wickets
Player of the Match

Swindon Super Sixers vs SWINDON HUNTERS
Tournament: Swindon Sunday League
Date: 09/06/2024
Time: 15:00
Venue: Croft Sports Centre
Batted First: Swindon Super Sixers
Swindon Super Sixers scored 158 / 7 after 20.0 overs
SWINDON HUNTERS scored 161 / 5 after 17.3 overs
Match Result: SWINDON HUNTERS Won by 3 wickets
Player of the Match: ()
Swindon Super Sixers Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Abrar Qureshi15237.9029.79
Sarfraz Khan8828.0931.94
Arslan Fazal3626.5639.19
Asad Zaman2147.2337.91
Sohail Ahmed1712.5023.36
Jalees Sharif518.3342.33
Nauman Khan565.00125.00
Haroon Haroon212.00.00

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Debashis Saha7730.6331.91
Niloy Saha6423.1829.20
Nahid Hasan3134.3724.80
Muhammad Salman2834.9233.00
Vivek Choudhary2234.8840.61
Najmul Haque2128.5023.45
Agnelo De Melo143.8528.18
Asif Hassaan426.3359.50

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