(0.0 Overs )
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The game was a tie

The Player of the Game will be announced once the match has ended

Swindon Knights vs Swindon Royal Smashers
Tournament: Swindon Sunday League
Date: 05/12/2024
Time: 17:15
Venue: Croft Sports Centre
Umpire(s): Ravi Kumar,
Swindon Knights Rumoured Line Up

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Basharat Shah609.7542.29
Ebad Syed4022.6237.53
Jamey Nair2923.6585.50
Muhammad Zeb424.6630.25
Omer Mirza17434.4145.00
Rob Minton4743.8453.44
Sajad Sakeer Hussain536.2530.33
Yousaf Khan115.0026.00
Swindon Royal Smashers Rumoured Line Up

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Alfar Mohammed1.0020.00
Mansoor Attar2816.3194.00
Mohan Balusu14324.6026.18
Prabhu Taraka1750.204.00
Raviteja R S2732.8744.72
Saipratap Reddy3423.25103.00
Shankar Sundar3943.9629.27
Siva Subramani3225.8134.81

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