78 / 8
(10.2 Overs )
80 / 2
(10.1 Overs )

The Tiny Boy Squad Won by 6 wickets
Player of the Match

Eight Defenders vs The Tiny Boy Squad
Tournament: South Brisbane Division 4
Date: 28/04/2024
Time: 11:45
Venue: QLD Hockey 1, Lytton Rd Morningside
Umpire(s): Saurabh Pandey,
Batted First: Eight Defenders
Eight Defenders scored 78 / 8 after 10.2 overs
The Tiny Boy Squad scored 80 / 2 after 10.1 overs
Match Result: The Tiny Boy Squad Won by 6 wickets
Player of the Match: James Norman (The Tiny Boy Squad)
Eight Defenders Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Pratik Chanchad629.1649.33
Jay Mavani2039.9228.27
Kaumil Patel1621.6437.72
Hardik Chovatiya 1212.0083.00
Abhay Suhagiya 1214.4048.66
Rishi Ponkya 64.75.00
harsh patel518.5045.33
Harsh Desai 329.5058.00
The Tiny Boy Squad Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Ben Browne8325.9137.40
James Norman7917.2831.91
Mick Mitchell5155.2325.36
Elliot McBride1543.8137.00
Aaron Tregoning814.5024.50
Josh Bayly513.3332.00
Inder Atwal54.0017.80
Reid Graham419.0029.00

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