133 / 3
(17.2 Overs )
129 / 6
(20.0 Overs )

Now or Never B Won by 5 wickets
Player of the Match

Now or Never B vs Now or Never C
Tournament: South Brisbane Division 2
Date: 28/04/2024
Time: 9:30
Venue: Homestead Park - Jodie St Shailer Park
Umpire(s): Eugene De Hawkins,
Batted First: Now or Never C
Now or Never C scored 129 / 6 after 20.000 overs
Now or Never B scored 133 / 3 after 17.200 overs
Match Result: Now or Never B Won by 5 wickets
Player of the Match: Rajeev Sharma (Now or Never B)
Now or Never B Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Shalin Vohra25625.3224.30
Mohit Mathur25521.4928.97
Prashant Kaushik22929.9131.20
Bob Kalra18125.5729.62
Rudra Aurora17919.8234.28
Rajeev Sharma17731.8722.05
Yagnesh Sheth17132.3322.55
Varun Rathi215.0035.00
Now or Never C Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Ajay Jain26824.3533.80
Arjit Gupta13027.9824.06
Gagan Singh12133.1822.79
Suprim Oswal11819.7132.56
Pinderjit Bajwa5725.3044.82
Ashish Dixit5524.3925.10
Sunny Homie Grewal4310.5851.66
Krunal Shah1219.8029.14

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