74 / 3
(11.0 Overs )
70 / 8
(16.4 Overs )

Lightning's Loonies Won by 5 wickets
Player of the Match

Lightning's Loonies vs Smooth Criminals
Tournament: Coffs Coast Winter
Date: 28/04/2024
Time: 11:00
Venue: Bray st
Umpire(s): Andy Levett Umpire,
Batted First: Smooth Criminals
Smooth Criminals scored 70 / 8 after 16.400 overs
Lightning's Loonies scored 74 / 3 after 11.000 overs
Match Result: Lightning's Loonies Won by 5 wickets
Player of the Match: Troy Britnell (Lightning's Loonies)
Lightning's Loonies Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Paul Blade6737.0825.82
Prabhjot singh5928.2879.66
Cody Britnell3730.8630.91
Troy Britnell3639.3625.73
Billy Carroll3135.6629.00
Ethan Atkinson2134.2119.11
Geoffrey Humphreys75.0030.40
Kashif Khan620.2534.00
Tom Sommer57.6616.40
Smooth Criminals Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Jason Palasty11738.8131.05
Anu Grewal7242.5721.04
Scott Flynn6321.5231.58
Angus Rissel4240.7131.27
Sam Turner1014.11.00
Sahib Singh45.2578.00
Garreth Nicholls310.5017.00
Ryan Hoschke 335.5023.00
Manjinder Bajwa234.009.00

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