152 / 7
(20.0 Overs )
156 / 5
(17.3 Overs )

Deccan Riders Won by 3 wickets
Player of the Match

Old Hestonians vs Deccan Riders
Tournament: Slough Sunday League
Date: 12/05/2024
Time: 12:45
Venue: Claires Court (SL64QQ)
Umpire(s): Steve Hayes, Anand Kumar,
Batted First: Old Hestonians
Old Hestonians scored 152 / 7 after 20.0 overs
Deccan Riders scored 156 / 5 after 17.3 overs
Match Result: Deccan Riders Won by 3 wickets
Player of the Match: Awais Ahmad (Deccan Riders)
Old Hestonians Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Mohammed Ali4941.0638.41
Ibrar Ali4714.5638.44
Jamal Ali3818.3046.33
Zakir Ali3434.1329.38
Minak Bhalla2817.9547.66
Zeeshan Gauher2568.7625.80
Salman Gauher1712.8026.28
Aadil Malik381.0010.50
Deccan Riders Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Syed Ibrahim10231.6430.66
Awais Ahmad5444.0824.51
Syed Wajahat Ali Quadri3229.0036.66
Abdul Nasir Mohammad3221.9550.85
Abdul Moeed Mohammed3018.72159.00
Azim Riaz279.2051.50
Mohammad Mujtaba Ahmed2723.8737.00
Mohammed Imran1241.6665.60

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