184 / 4
(18.0 Overs )
112 / 6
(18.0 Overs )

American Pie Chuckers' Won by 72 runs
Player of the Match

American Pie Chuckers' vs The Dogs Pollocks
Tournament: Wimbledon Wednesday
Date: 01/05/2024
Time: 18:30
Venue: Dundonald Park 1 (SW19 3PN)
Umpire(s): Saad Afzal,
Batted First: American Pie Chuckers'
American Pie Chuckers' scored 184 / 4 after 18.0 overs
The Dogs Pollocks scored 112 / 6 after 18.0 overs
Match Result: American Pie Chuckers' Won by 72 runs
Player of the Match: Blake Van Der Linde (American Pie Chuckers')
American Pie Chuckers' Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Grant Walker28852.7423.91
Blake Van Der Linde22760.1422.89
Anthony Lauwrens1709.7827.21
Waqas Naseer9833.0630.12
Noman Razzaq9426.0139.46
David Wood62139.9432.42
Blake Reynolds3334.7731.00
Mike Mcgrady2425.1839.92
The Dogs Pollocks Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Mike Torr3932.1827.84
Hugo de la Fargue412.3328.66
Philip de la Fargue435.0018.50
Jordan Turnbull445.6635.66
Ben Bradford343.00.00
Oscar Edmunds29.0029.50
Michael Hanbury218.0047.00
Jason Schlaachter11.0026.00

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