196 / 5
(20.0 Overs )
154 / 7
(20.0 Overs )

Stanley CC Won by 42 runs
Player of the Match
89 (41)


Stanley CC vs Shakib Super Strikers
Tournament: King Georges Park SW18 2GJ (Mon/Tues)
Date: 11/06/2024
Time: 18:30
Venue: King Georges Park SW18 2GJ
Umpire(s): Imran Rasheed (LS),
Batted First: Stanley CC
Stanley CC scored 196 / 5 after 20.0 overs
Shakib Super Strikers scored 154 / 7 after 20.0 overs
Match Result: Stanley CC Won by 42 runs
Player of the Match: Danny Wills (Stanley CC)
Stanley CC Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Ben Hargreaves13221.2234.41
Mark Templeman12742.4824.05
Sasha Kapoor10421.0831.77
Stuart Brown9515.5721.99
Sam Ornbo8936.0426.01
Danny Wills7478.3528.28
Vikram Balan426.00117.00
Shakib Super Strikers Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Niall Solomon938.4230.25
Harrisson Srikanthan44.3327.00
Henry Walker435.0060.00
Oscar Jenkyn-Jones421.66130.00
Vijay Sai18.0038.00
Angus Aughterson1.00.00
Neil Kiritharan111.007.00
Sam Turner 1102.0033.00

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