141 / 5
(17.1 Overs )
140 / 6
(20.0 Overs )

Double Decker Daredevils Won by 3 wickets
Player of the Match

Double Decker Daredevils vs Off Season Athletes
Tournament: King Georges Park SW18 2GJ (Mon/Tues)
Date: 10/06/2024
Time: 18:30
Venue: King Georges Park SW18 2GJ
Umpire(s): Imran Rasheed (LS),
Batted First: Off Season Athletes
Off Season Athletes scored 140 / 6 after 20.000 overs
Double Decker Daredevils scored 141 / 5 after 17.100 overs
Match Result: Double Decker Daredevils Won by 3 wickets
Player of the Match: Will Rollins (Double Decker Daredevils)
Double Decker Daredevils Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Sam Barcia431.5045.00
Ed Crossley479.00140.00
Stefan Starr411.3316.20
Ollie Eldridge425.7594.00
Alex Russell48.25.00
Sam Parks340.0018.00
Will Rollins3120.0030.50
Charlie Harrocks211.5022.00
Off Season Athletes Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
William Fenwick1351.0028.50
Edward Mayall733.2526.00
George Gray318.5081.00
Patrick Reynolds 337.0017.00
Nick Baines 24.004.00
Louis Longfield 222.0084.00
Mathew Wolfe 27.5054.00
Hugo Pettman 12.0016.00

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