261 / 3
(18.0 Overs )
102 / 6
(17.4 Overs )

Terminators Won by 159 runs
Player of the Match

Terminators vs Boundary Bashers
Tournament: Redbridge Diamond League
Date: 07/05/2024
Time: 18:30
Venue: Hainault Recreation Ground No.2
Umpire(s): Kam Sadra,
Batted First: Terminators
Terminators scored 261 / 3 after 18.0 overs
Boundary Bashers scored 102 / 6 after 17.4 overs
Match Result: Terminators Won by 159 runs
Player of the Match: Maaz Mehmood (Terminators)
Terminators Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Ali Attique18332.1142.70
Shariq Pervaiz11316.5639.79
Afaq Humayun6511.4132.26
Maaz Mehmood5225.9049.30
Faisal Imdad3820.1525.71
Faiz Saiyed1312.8754.57
musa latif33.5026.50
babbar ali394.0012.00
Boundary Bashers Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Mustafa Bandukda1026.4448.00
Aadil Khorasi841.2056.20
Usama Siddiqui729.2549.40
Muhammad Arsalan Yaqoob714.3339.00
Talha Nagda715.5771.00
Ahmed Rais63.6674.33
Adnan Ahmed514.6047.66
Fahad Shah312.335.00

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