155 / 1
(12.1 Overs )
152 / 6
(20.0 Overs )

Animals Won by 7 wickets
Player of the Match
13 (2)


Animals vs The boyzz
Tournament: Pepsi LMS Night Warriors 3.0
Date: 05/04/2024
Time: 23:55
Venue: Aleem Dar Academy
Umpire(s): Nasir Hussain,
Batted First: The boyzz
The boyzz scored 152 / 6 after 20.000 overs
Animals scored 155 / 1 after 12.100 overs
Match Result: Animals Won by 7 wickets
Player of the Match: Ali Imran (Animals)
Animals Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Waqas Mehmood9039.0136.86
Rao Saad Omer Khan3933.5925.39
Faizan Ali3739.6241.33
Ammad Mir2622.6129.23
Omar Rasheed269.6454.83
Ali Imran2136.4446.20
Urmush Riaz1411.2037.62
Hassan Adnan1018.1631.62
The boyzz Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Wasay Hasan3630.0748.52
Hussain Monnoo2722.9566.18
Omer Yahya1519.9135.72
Muhammad Ali926.6041.00
Taha Mahmood725.0063.66
Umair Sufi521.00154.00
Haider Mehmood57.40.00
Amaan Bashir515.3390.00

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