50 / 7
(8.1 Overs )
54 / 1
(8.0 Overs )

United Eights Won by 7 wickets
Player of the Match

Cam Green Outs vs United Eights
Tournament: East Sydney Sunday Div 7
Date: 17/03/2024
Time: 11:15
Venue: Robertson Rd (MP7)
Umpire(s): Chau Goh,
Batted First: Cam Green Outs
Cam Green Outs scored 50 / 7 after 8.1 overs
United Eights scored 54 / 1 after 8.0 overs
Match Result: United Eights Won by 7 wickets
Player of the Match: Kevin Heer (United Eights)
Cam Green Outs Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Nick Dowling1922.1248.40
Dominic Stanley1828.6661.50
Tristan Kelleher1840.0759.42
Flynn Thompsett1735.8349.40
Oscar Brady1615.1551.50
Oscar Secombe1114.7518.76
Walker Emerson22.0017.00
United Eights Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
James Thomas3912.7832.30
Kevin Heer1852.7732.27
James Vidler1615.2538.83
Arun Raphael 1522.8027.27
George Friesen1532.2229.55
Athul Rajesh1343.3734.00
Patrick Leerdam445.5053.00

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