179 / 7
(20.0 Overs )
108 / 8
(15.4 Overs )

The Six Offenders Won by 71 runs
Player of the Match

The Six Offenders vs North Sydney Black
Tournament: Manly Sunday
Date: 10/03/2024
Time: 11:50
Venue: David Thomas Reserve 1
Umpire(s): Beau Kelley,
Batted First: The Six Offenders
The Six Offenders scored 179 / 7 after 20.0 overs
North Sydney Black scored 108 / 8 after 15.4 overs
Match Result: The Six Offenders Won by 71 runs
Player of the Match: Ben Parsonage (The Six Offenders)
The Six Offenders Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Finn Harricks1817.4652.75
Nick Drummond1720.0645.71
Sam Baker1635.8539.20
Ben Parsonage1652.8023.82
Oliver Scott1622.5846.25
Hugo Neville1611.6617.80
Tom Cameron157.7531.77
Lloyd Crozier158.0861.25
North Sydney Black Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Tom Marshall1555.00106.00
Tom Fennessy1318.2726.55
Vaughan O'Shea116.0023.00
Angus Gill1022.3393.50
Ryan Adams1018.8336.71
Zac Law817.6624.50
Nik Mathur79.5045.00
Baylo Legend36.0055.00

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