138 / 4
(18.2 Overs )
132 / 7
(20.0 Overs )

2BBCs Won by 4 wickets
Player of the Match

2BBCs vs The Moggers
Tournament: East Sydney Sunday Div 6
Date: 17/03/2024
Time: 11:15
Venue: Robertson Rd (MP5)
Umpire(s): Anthony Anlezark,
Batted First: The Moggers
The Moggers scored 132 / 7 after 20.000 overs
2BBCs scored 138 / 4 after 18.200 overs
Match Result: 2BBCs Won by 4 wickets
Player of the Match: Tom Armstrong (The Moggers)
2BBCs Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Toby Dickinson953.5057.00
Ben Orman967.2021.62
Kain Barnett818.2813.66
Jack Wadely89.4019.87
Tom Webb7130.5020.42
Sam Henry733.0041.00
Connor Wilkinson612.0012.12
Jack Ridley133.00.00
The Moggers Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Tom Armstrong3144.6218.14
Ben O’Sullivan2959.0635.07
Hugh McLeod1821.6334.10
Sean O'Farrell1337.4227.00
Nathan James1029.62161.00
Daniel Johnson108.1422.66
Jackson Tyler931.4064.00
Ned Halmarick412.3334.00

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