101 / 1
(13.3 Overs )
96 / 7
(15.4 Overs )

Daryl BraithWaitOn! Won by 7 wickets
Player of the Match

Daryl BraithWaitOn! vs Pies with Byes
Tournament: East Sydney Sunday Div 2
Date: 10/03/2024
Time: 15:45
Venue: Centennial Park Parade Grounds (CP5)
Umpire(s): William Jacobs,
Batted First: Pies with Byes
Pies with Byes scored 96 / 7 after 15.400 overs
Daryl BraithWaitOn! scored 101 / 1 after 13.300 overs
Match Result: Daryl BraithWaitOn! Won by 7 wickets
Player of the Match: Omair Ali (Daryl BraithWaitOn!)
Daryl BraithWaitOn! Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Omair Ali5734.4324.27
Mac Thomson2133.5032.90
Patrick Fitzgerald1717.4531.50
Josh Gregory1540.2265.75
Will Travers1414.7522.90
Chris Valencic1124.6630.80
Josh Dundas1110.4019.38
Brad Woodland537.3337.66
Pies with Byes Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Andrew McHarg2724.5042.66
Tom Colfer2716.1854.62
Tom Denny2615.7039.30
Robert Dickinson2454.0714.28
Simon Sharpe2217.3727.78
Luke Ringrose2145.5333.25
Dhruv Behl2027.3399.75

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