189 / 1
(19.0 Overs )
110 / 7
(19.0 Overs )

Sub-par Cricketers Won by 79 runs
Player of the Match

Sub-par Cricketers vs Legs XI
Tournament: East Sydney Midweek Div 3
Date: 14/02/2024
Time: 17:30
Venue: Robertson Rd (MP8)
Umpire(s): Chetan Kamath,
Batted First: Sub-par Cricketers
Sub-par Cricketers scored 189 / 1 after 19.0 overs
Legs XI scored 110 / 7 after 19.0 overs
Match Result: Sub-par Cricketers Won by 79 runs
Player of the Match: Leo Norman (Sub-par Cricketers)
Sub-par Cricketers Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Leo Norman5825.0036.96
Jarid Kolver5736.3322.95
Ryan Campbell4413.1833.46
Tommy Ridhalgh4231.7832.84
Jeremy Hutton3218.6029.95
Luke Solomon3226.7143.26
Sash Rangaswamy2821.0327.95
Charlie Harte1416.54163.50
Legs XI Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Peter Richardson3515.5735.09
Mark Bull1120.4536.00
Peter Vozzo918.87231.00
Justin Dragicevic75.42146.00
Jayan Varsani62.20104.00
Aidan Kelso534.6698.00
Andrew Parker318.009.00

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