41 / 2
(3.3 Overs )
40 / 8
(9.4 Overs )

NRL Cricket Club Won by 6 wickets
Player of the Match

NRL Cricket Club vs Legs XI
Tournament: East Sydney Midweek Div 3
Date: 07/02/2024
Time: 17:30
Venue: Robertson Rd (MP6)
Umpire(s): James Bentivoglio Umpire,
Batted First: Legs XI
Legs XI scored 40 / 8 after 9.400 overs
NRL Cricket Club scored 41 / 2 after 3.300 overs
Match Result: NRL Cricket Club Won by 6 wickets
Player of the Match: Jack Abraham (NRL Cricket Club )
NRL Cricket Club Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Jack Slade8135.2329.66
Will Latchford4451.6524.59
Tate Meredith1613.2054.00
Albert Xavier1626.1843.87
Luke Boncompagni862.7532.20
Gavin Reynolds726.0016.46
Wyatt Raymond53.0024.50
Phil Pizzolato45.3314.50
Jack Abraham316.009.00
Legs XI Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Peter Richardson3515.5735.09
Peter Vozzo918.87231.00
Justin Dragicevic75.42146.00
Jayan Varsani62.20104.00
Jackson Pringle67.66100.00
Ned Hughes58.2550.00
Andrew Parker318.009.00
Damien Cullen116.0012.00

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