26 / 7
(11.1 Overs )
30 / 1
(3.1 Overs )

Passout Pearce Won by 7 wickets
Player of the Match

North Sydney Black vs Passout Pearce
Tournament: Manly Sunday
Date: 25/02/2024
Time: 9:20
Venue: David Thomas Reserve 1
Umpire(s): Beau Kelley,
Batted First: North Sydney Black
North Sydney Black scored 26 / 7 after 11.1 overs
Passout Pearce scored 30 / 1 after 3.1 overs
Match Result: Passout Pearce Won by 7 wickets
Player of the Match: Angus Mackenzie (Passout Pearce)
North Sydney Black Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Tom Marshall1555.00106.00
Tom Fennessy1318.2726.55
Nick Griffiths1219.8826.77
Vaughan O'Shea116.0023.00
Ryan Adams1018.8336.71
Lachlan Watson811.0037.00
Bijan Utteridge32.6636.50
Alfie Matthews15.005.00
Passout Pearce Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Angus Mackenzie16628.8021.10
Daniel McIntyre15828.2631.99
Dylan Mazza15214.1824.51
Nathan Lange14637.0629.49
Lachlan Peake13231.9053.00
Greg Macken9933.3532.97
Paul Fabbro9040.9446.42
Angus Demol1776.0050.60

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