130 / 6
(20.0 Overs )
131 / 4
(16.1 Overs )

Wasted Talents Won by 4 wickets
Player of the Match

69Hers vs Wasted Talents
Tournament: Bedfordview 2 (Sun)
Date: 01/10/2023
Time: 7:30
Venue: Dawnview Bottom
Umpire(s): Quinton spin bowler Fogarty,
Batted First: 69Hers
69Hers scored 130 / 6 after 20.0 overs
Wasted Talents scored 131 / 4 after 16.1 overs
Match Result: Wasted Talents Won by 4 wickets
Player of the Match: storm mcleod (Wasted Talents)
69Hers Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Lukas van Wyk28819.8226.46
Chris(Karate) Martins23913.9433.88
Hermanus Appel16933.0823.94
Shaun Harmse14718.3032.12
Steven Laas13929.0547.65
Jan Annandale9834.6831.80
Cobus Coetzee7330.7644.62
Sam Monyemore129.5038.28
Wasted Talents Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
storm mcleod9233.9734.50
David Burrows3213.9325.85
Jacques Moolman247.8325.43
Devon Milner1763.5042.33
Ryan Gey van Pittius1218.4536.66
Rynard Koekemoer105.1487.50
Justin Bennet832.0017.45
Jaryd Beer352.0025.00

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