98 / 8
(19.4 Overs )
101 / 3
(12.2 Overs )

WPR Originals Won by 5 wickets
Player of the Match

Snick Wicketie vs WPR Originals
Tournament: North Brisbane Division 3
Date: 19/11/2023
Time: 10:45
Venue: Ferny Grove CC - Tramway St, Ferny Grove
Umpire(s): Alex Flatley,
Batted First: Snick Wicketie
Snick Wicketie scored 98 / 8 after 19.4 overs
WPR Originals scored 101 / 3 after 12.2 overs
Match Result: WPR Originals Won by 5 wickets
Player of the Match: Ira Friedman (WPR Originals)
Snick Wicketie Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Isaac Trott3922.6726.55
Aaron Elvery3621.6127.62
Ben Mitchell3149.3024.38
Jonathan Brown2816.0033.46
Patric Wright279.6476.40
Kevin Crowther1317.6263.00
Nick Clark618.8037.25
Samuel Britt35.6654.00
WPR Originals Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Ira Friedman13632.2422.40
Paul Arcodia4533.5224.50
Liam Culverhouse459.8712.00
Stephen Wagner4419.1742.60
Adam Jones4073.3118.30
Peter Oxley3179.1130.65
Chris Hannan2911.9547.83
John Heath2327.8518.38

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