117 / 3
(10.0 Overs )
118 / 2
(9.4 Overs )

Moombas Won by 6 wickets
Player of the Match
23 (8)


Bounce on This vs Moombas
Tournament: Big Bash for Brendo
Date: 04/06/2023
Time: 11:20
Venue: Josh Teis Oval (Ballinger #1)
Umpire(s): Dayne Rzeszkowski,
Batted First: Bounce on This
Bounce on This scored 117 / 3 after 10.0 overs
Moombas scored 118 / 2 after 9.4 overs
Match Result: Moombas Won by 6 wickets
Player of the Match: Daniel Hand (Moombas)
Bounce on This Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Brad Cumberland26919.1627.93
Glen Trebilco26525.5327.28
Paul Watson24140.1327.77
Stephen Lourigan21127.0736.08
Darren Lightbody16730.4026.61
Brad Lee12417.6734.91
Derek Armstrong 6615.7724.05
Simon Whittaker3524.2121.00
Moombas Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Daniel Hand29630.7326.83
Jeremy Ricks25127.0326.02
Lance Hockam24427.0137.08
Timothy Hockam21623.7536.73
Andrew Hockey7221.5328.25
Kane Brunjes123.008.50
Dwayne Malone17.0017.00
Grace Pickering1.0016.00
Rod Gibbs133.008.00

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