22 / 0
(5.0 Overs )
23 / 0
(0.1 Overs )

No Rest for the Wicket Won by 8 wickets
Player of the Match

Bright stars vs No Rest for the Wicket
Tournament: Manchester & Trafford C Grade
Date: 01/08/2023
Time: 18:00
Venue: Choltron Park(Manchester M21 7HH)
Umpire(s): Abdullah Vavdiwala,
Batted First: Bright stars
Bright stars scored 22 / 0 after 5.0 overs
No Rest for the Wicket scored 23 / 0 after 0.1 overs
Match Result: No Rest for the Wicket Won by 8 wickets
Player of the Match: Dan Evans (No Rest for the Wicket)
Bright stars Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Mohamed Raaz6513.5333.25
Kamal Ahmed5615.1146.81
Mohamed salim Mushtaq5314.5146.23
Maqsood Mohammed5240.2056.16
Bilal Rajput5014.4590.50
Manzoor Hussain1453.5727.80
Karthik Nadimpalli337.0037.00
Ishaan Devaramani370.0013.00
No Rest for the Wicket Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
James Kee3057.8830.90
Jack Whelpton267.1942.00
Nathan Wells2643.829.28
James Edington2437.2741.85
Laurence Birdsey196.0021.57
Dan Evans1323.0024.00
marcus eaton386.0027.00
Mike Tate110.0022.00

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