147 / 4
(20.0 Overs )
220 / 7
(20.0 Overs )

Ball Fondlers Won by 73 runs
Player of the Match

Sydney Hurricanes vs Ball Fondlers
Tournament: East Sydney Sunday Div 4
Date: 06/08/2023
Time: 13:40
Venue: Robertson Rd (MP6)
Umpire(s): Kris Baptista,
Batted First: Ball Fondlers
Ball Fondlers scored 220 / 7 after 20.000 overs
Sydney Hurricanes scored 147 / 4 after 20.000 overs
Match Result: Ball Fondlers Won by 73 runs
Player of the Match: Liam Chang (Ball Fondlers)
Sydney Hurricanes Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Will Waters7216.0439.13
Shawn Simon4548.5737.92
Ibrahem Iqbal1432.7173.00
Nick Waterhouse109.0030.42
Ryan Lunney89.0033.50
Xavier Smith739.5061.00
Joseph Markham532.5017.00
Paul WATERHOUSE 26.0011.00
Che McGaw212.0018.00
Austin Scaife13.0035.00
Ball Fondlers Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Brandon Clarke22818.0333.28
Nicholas Kochanowicz10720.0042.70
Marcus Pellegrini5621.7336.75
Zachary Bosnich3412.9340.25
Darcy Smith2311.5230.60
Liam Chang1675.3318.10
Oliver Struik 126.5743.00
Cahn Harbrow1013.2888.00
Austin Scaife13.0035.00

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