167 / 0
(20.0 Overs )
169 / 6
(19.4 Overs )

The Chop Ons Won by 2 wickets
Player of the Match

Sydney Hurricanes vs The Chop Ons
Tournament: East Sydney Sunday Div 4
Date: 09/07/2023
Time: 11:40
Venue: Robertson Rd (MP7)
Umpire(s): Clement Fong,
Batted First: Sydney Hurricanes
Sydney Hurricanes scored 167 / 0 after 20.0 overs
The Chop Ons scored 169 / 6 after 19.4 overs
Match Result: The Chop Ons Won by 2 wickets
Player of the Match: Joseph Kalachian (Sydney Hurricanes)
Sydney Hurricanes Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Ibrahem Iqbal1432.7173.00
Joseph Kalachian1223.6626.00
Jack Harris1133.3721.88
Aryan Trivedi1034.0083.00
Sachin Kanagasundaram914.7141.00
Xavier Smith739.5061.00
Venkata Prabhat Sandugula5118.0045.00
The Chop Ons Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Nicholas Kochanowicz10720.0042.70
Taylor Weston8627.3241.66
Will Freeborn4534.2548.80
Patrick Collier3850.3525.05
Allan Tuback3836.2724.44
Joshua Rizk3429.0539.00
Sailesh Vempaty3334.4535.76
Yair Edinburg2753.8329.00

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