111 / 8
(18.3 Overs )
113 / 0
(13.0 Overs )

Angels Won by 8 wickets
Player of the Match
0 (0)


The J8s vs Angels
Tournament: West Sydney Sunday Div 3
Date: 13/08/2023
Time: 9:20
Venue: Darling Street Park
Umpire(s): Andrew Searle,
Batted First: The J8s
The J8s scored 111 / 8 after 18.3 overs
Angels scored 113 / 0 after 13.0 overs
Match Result: Angels Won by 8 wickets
Player of the Match: Oscar Turner (Angels)
The J8s Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Fahim Rana12729.7830.43
Zeeshan Mirza11819.5230.44
Rean Hasan469.7728.75
Sean Cross2653.0073.00
Hossain Mursalin2520.0568.50
Irtiza Rafid153.33114.00
Daran Sarma154.12156.50
Shafeeq Nouree 695.6636.00
Angels Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Neil Sammons9736.2335.79
Jaeden Douglas6245.0431.03
Brett Douglas5722.2819.00
Oscar Turner4336.1325.38
Mark Turner3439.6228.54
Sean Sammons2715.2132.05
Parth Kulkarni1918.8153.75
Raj Kulkarni1221.3335.28

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