129 / 6
(20.0 Overs )
130 / 2
(18.0 Overs )

Angels Won by 6 wickets
Player of the Match

Windsor Caps vs Angels
Tournament: West Sydney Sunday Div 3
Date: 30/07/2023
Time: 9:20
Venue: Boronia Park, North St Marys
Umpire(s): Srikanth Nandigam Umpire,
Batted First: Windsor Caps
Windsor Caps scored 129 / 6 after 20.0 overs
Angels scored 130 / 2 after 18.0 overs
Match Result: Angels Won by 6 wickets
Player of the Match: Michael "Norfo" Norford (Angels)
Windsor Caps Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Bala Iyer37436.4637.73
Barinder Singh14618.1737.24
DJ Jassal14430.1240.23
Harmanpreet Singh9933.3143.30
Satwant Dhillon9027.4827.40
Mobeen Shahzad3738.3239.20
Hunar Singh Uppal1810.8131.08
Shivam Singh1533.2549.66
Angels Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Michael "Norfo" Norford8139.4627.25
Jaeden Douglas6245.0431.03
Brett Douglas5722.2819.00
Oscar Turner4336.1325.38
Sean Sammons2715.2132.05
Parth Kulkarni1918.8153.75
Raj Kulkarni1221.3335.28
Hayden Zywietz931.2521.50
Max O'Loughlin811.00191.00

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