163 / 6
(18.0 Overs )
107 / 8
(14.3 Overs )

The East Dillon Lions Won by 56 runs
Player of the Match

The East Dillon Lions vs Fulham Ferrets
Tournament: Battersea Park / Wandsworth Common Thursday
Date: 13/07/2023
Time: 18:30
Venue: Wandsworth Common Artificial 2 (Sw18 3RT)
Umpire(s): Md Ashraful Shovon(ls),
Batted First: The East Dillon Lions
The East Dillon Lions scored 163 / 6 after 18.0 overs
Fulham Ferrets scored 107 / 8 after 14.3 overs
Match Result: The East Dillon Lions Won by 56 runs
Player of the Match: Chris McCormack (The East Dillon Lions)
The East Dillon Lions Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Matthew Steele1919.3870.00
Tom Field1341.2273.00
Ben Hand1244.9042.33
Mat Hand1117.6051.83
Jamal Johns116.1229.75
Chris McCormack927.6250.00
Jim Sanderson923.4215.28
Jack Goldberg439.6617.25
Fulham Ferrets Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
George Salisbury2858.2733.94
James Sheen2722.5458.80
Tom Gregory2319.7629.57
Ben Davis2236.5722.00
Declan Parker2028.2527.36
Max Buckland1713.5525.55
Max Northcote-Green814.8730.14
Alex Knights257.0065.00

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