95 / 7
(20.0 Overs )
98 / 1
(12.1 Overs )

LeeuLopies Won by 7 wickets
Player of the Match

Die Slingervelle vs LeeuLopies
Tournament: Krugersdorp Sunday
Date: 02/04/2023
Time: 12:30
Venue: Main Field
Umpire(s): Amahle Gumede,
Batted First: Die Slingervelle
Die Slingervelle scored 95 / 7 after 20.0 overs
LeeuLopies scored 98 / 1 after 12.1 overs
Match Result: LeeuLopies Won by 7 wickets
Player of the Match: Roelof Strydom (LeeuLopies)
Die Slingervelle Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Jaco Vewas 1337.6621.50
Andrew (Drew) Phillips1259.0031.57
Eduan Heuer 108.1440.00
Drew Jr Phillips521.0018.60
Ruan Erusmus 368.007.75
Sydney Vertue 22.00.00
Kevin Cornelius114.0012.00
Jason Robins17.0018.00
LeeuLopies Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Charl De Beer4333.1838.71
Charles Kolesky2941.3822.71
Daniel Meintjes2964.1617.03
Roelof Strydom2243.9234.76
Ruben De Beer1814.6445.62
Barend Beyleveld1132.0011.76
Rehon Leslie van Druten1035.5751.50
Les Eksteen 88.7113.63

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