201 / 5
(20.0 Overs )
148 / 8
(17.3 Overs )

Mavericks Won by 53 runs
Player of the Match
28 (15)


Mavericks vs Vostro World
Tournament: Pepsi LMS Islamabad Weekend League
Date: 19/02/2023
Time: 8:30
Venue: Diamond Cricket Ground
Umpire(s): Faizan Khan LHE 10,
Batted First: Mavericks
Mavericks scored 201 / 5 after 20.0 overs
Vostro World scored 148 / 8 after 17.3 overs
Match Result: Mavericks Won by 53 runs
Player of the Match: Hassan Ghaus (Mavericks)
Mavericks Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Hassan Ghaus8231.7341.96
Adil Ahmed2317.1540.72
Abdullah Shahid1048.8033.75
Ismail Ahmed915.66183.00
Omer Jilani812.3722.85
Usama Wali655.0040.66
Farukh Usman510.2033.66
Tayyab Raza268.00.00
Vostro World Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Umar Farooq 69.6679.50
Khawar Kiani649.5026.33
Ishfaq Bhatti622.8053.33
Babar Kiani535.0072.00
Zohaib Ahamd518.4013.00
Waqas Ahmed512.0030.83
Sohaib Ahmed438.5028.00
Sulman Daud35.00.00

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