165 / 5
(20.0 Overs )
131 / 5
(20.0 Overs )

The Ducks Won by 34 runs
Player of the Match
53 (26)


The Ducks vs Wicky Stickets
Tournament: Hamilton Thursday Div 1
Date: 09/02/2023
Time: 17:30
Venue: Innes Common 3
Umpire(s): Jose GeeVerghese,
Batted First: The Ducks
The Ducks scored 165 / 5 after 20.0 overs
Wicky Stickets scored 131 / 5 after 20.0 overs
Match Result: The Ducks Won by 34 runs
Player of the Match: Jerem Wylie (The Ducks)
The Ducks Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Ben Blackett4447.8117.22
Thomas Nabbs3632.9240.75
Jerem Wylie2553.0837.53
Andrew McLean1050.4015.36
Brad Weber313.0023.00
Sam Whilbley131.0021.00
Jason Thomason111.0015.00
Raynard Haggie112.0034.00
Wicky Stickets Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Dylan Johns4456.8194.25
Kieran Taylor4034.8848.17
Adam Harrington2821.0736.21
Ben Hogan2019.8439.64
Ollie Goodall1922.22134.00
Sonyraj Somarajan823.7194.50
Irfan Noori625.66104.00
Josef Joju41.5049.00

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