179 / 7
(19.4 Overs )
158 / 3
(20.0 Overs )

Revolver CC Won by 21 runs
Player of the Match

Revolver CC vs The B�Rats
Tournament: Princes Park Midweek
Date: 28/11/2022
Time: 17:40
Venue: Princes Park North
Umpire(s): Alvi Islam,
Batted First: Revolver CC
Revolver CC scored 179 / 7 after 19.4 overs
The B�Rats scored 158 / 3 after 20.0 overs
Match Result: Revolver CC Won by 21 runs
Player of the Match: ()
Revolver CC Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Reza Mohammed23038.6534.40
Thomas Wigglesworth1921.8833.85
Jack Ensor1626.9277.80
Brad Marshall1413.0718.50
Angus Gawn1024.7531.25
Conor O'Malley1016.6620.20
Sebastian Wright643.6624.00
Joe Patchett334.6618.33
The B�Rats Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Antony Hocking8918.9438.76
Ronald Victor3524.9360.33
David Stewart1326.9030.00
Matthew Feddersen118.7530.50
Eamonn Fenaughty1014.2572.75
Brenton Shaughnessy826.50116.50
Simon Crowe444.0033.00
Jack Fitzgerald349.0063.00

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