132 / 6
(20.0 Overs )
178 / 2
(20.0 Overs )

Spider Monkeys Won by 46 runs
Player of the Match

Western Swingers vs Spider Monkeys
Tournament: Mid Week Sydney Finals
Date: 16/10/2022
Time: 9:00
Venue: Bedlam Bay, Gladesville
Umpire(s): Manoj Yadav,
Batted First: Spider Monkeys
Spider Monkeys scored 178 / 2 after 20.000 overs
Western Swingers scored 132 / 6 after 20.000 overs
Match Result: Spider Monkeys Won by 46 runs
Player of the Match: Ziad Abbas (Spider Monkeys)
Western Swingers Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Suthakar Senathipillay50053.1423.08
Nikhil Dhawan40672.7931.80
Danny Batra365100.3820.86
Chirag Mahipal24030.3128.84
Aval Kumar23615.1624.24
Butaal Hassam harmass9346.7835.72
Subham Anand8414.2127.27
Imran Niazi1736.0828.00
Spider Monkeys Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Brad McGrath54958.3122.14
Habib Hamade46123.1828.47
Mohammad Hammoud40739.3524.99
Huss Hijazi40448.3530.23
Ziad Abbas39848.9423.43
Mick McGrath31531.3726.96
Ali Abbas13328.4099.08
Hassan Nahlous12935.9833.35

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