65 / 1
(7.1 Overs )
64 / 8
(16.0 Overs )

Knights Cricket Academy U11 Won by 7 wickets
Player of the Match

Knights Cricket Academy U11 vs Eagles U11
Tournament: Joburg Junior U11 Day/Night League
Date: 13/05/2022
Time: 15:30
Venue: Hyde Park High Bottom Field
Umpire(s): Promise Gwangu, Nigel Ngwenya,
Batted First: Eagles U11
Eagles U11 scored 64 / 8 after 16.000 overs
Knights Cricket Academy U11 scored 65 / 1 after 7.100 overs
Match Result: Knights Cricket Academy U11 Won by 7 wickets
Player of the Match: Joshua Anderson (Knights Cricket Academy U11)
Knights Cricket Academy U11 Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Liam High7112.0019.30
Kyle Henenne982.3311.85
Aryaan Vohra860.0015.83
Ethan vd Westhuizen855.5035.75
Schalk Van Ettinger892.505.37
Joshua Anderson736.66.00
Morne Steyn643.005.57
Logan Kab-Rundle54.0039.00
Eagles U11 Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Adam Heron7027.0727.66
Hemav Chatterjee1613.6034.14
Ben Shimmin1536.0036.00
Oliver Dyer712.2022.20
Thuto Moleko713.6652.00
Owen Sutton-Pryce622.5044.00
Micheal pieterse623.5040.00
Connor Soulsby112.0014.00
Tiago GROBLER13.00.00

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