170 / 6
(20.0 Overs )
191 / 4
(20.0 Overs )

Bumpers cc Won by 21 runs
Player of the Match
57 (26)


Sydney Tamils CC Blue vs Bumpers cc
Tournament: West Sydney Sunday Div 3
Date: 21/08/2022
Time: 14:10
Venue: Monfarville Reserve 2, North St Marys
Umpire(s): William Jacobs,
Batted First: Bumpers cc
Bumpers cc scored 191 / 4 after 20.000 overs
Sydney Tamils CC Blue scored 170 / 6 after 20.000 overs
Match Result: Bumpers cc Won by 21 runs
Player of the Match: Aaron Lewis (Bumpers cc)
Sydney Tamils CC Blue Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Sutharsan Suntharamoorthy14039.5226.12
Abhy Lingam8323.8725.26
Niranjan Santhirasegaram6422.8226.21
Kameendran Sivarajah4730.1521.34
Kajananth Sivaharan3423.3518.67
Niruban Thiyagarajah3432.7920.33
Suganthan Theivendran298.5523.75
Sanjayan Maheswaran279.0027.18
Bumpers cc Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Jamie Edwy-smith14013.3434.29
Jamie Candy679.3834.68
Josh Griffiths6330.8834.37
Jason Brown1961.9041.40
Aaron Lewis1521.7245.28
Grant Hunt1328.5532.16
Dave Hughes1118.6229.16
Justin O?neill53.0027.50

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