132 / 3
(17.0 Overs )
33 / 5
(8.2 Overs )

Bond University Won by 99 runs
Player of the Match

Bond University vs Uh oh
Tournament: Gold Coast Summer Sundays
Date: 03/04/2022
Time: 10:00
Venue: Runaway Bay 4 - Syn
Batted First: Bond University
Bond University scored 132 / 3 after 17.0 overs
Uh oh scored 33 / 5 after 8.2 overs
Match Result: Bond University Won by 99 runs
Player of the Match: Keats Chipps (Bond University)
Bond University Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Krish ganesh1238.7516.25
Keats Chipps949.0021.50
Noah Hargreaves835.4021.14
Ben Horsley621.7524.00
Matt Price 67.2526.40
Aadit Kelovkar546.0056.00
Uh oh Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Travis Harker36241.9318.43
Dylan Shute2915.1838.20
Matthew Jackson944.8346.33
Thomas Jackson733.2031.20
Leigh Rangitonga714.8581.50
Tim Hall65.5066.33

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