87 / 6
(18.2 Overs )
94 / 6
(19.0 Overs )

The Looney Tunes Won by 7 runs
Player of the Match

Bond University vs The Looney Tunes
Tournament: Gold Coast Summer Sundays
Date: 27/03/2022
Time: 10:00
Venue: Runaway Bay 3 - Syn
Batted First: The Looney Tunes
The Looney Tunes scored 94 / 6 after 19.000 overs
Bond University scored 87 / 6 after 18.200 overs
Match Result: The Looney Tunes Won by 7 runs
Player of the Match: Hayden Alexander (The Looney Tunes)
Bond University Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
casey summers9318.4432.34
Cam Speechley2919.2332.25
Kade Vangeyzel2440.6631.23
Krish ganesh1238.7516.25
Noah Hargreaves835.4021.14
Charlie Schoorl566.6628.25
Zachary Bromage3.3357.00
The Looney Tunes Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Kyle Summers25953.1221.98
Craig Prammer13855.2822.50
casey summers9318.4432.34
Hayden Alexander7015.0224.85
Adam Maroske3211.6241.50
Cam Speechley2919.2332.25
Damon Foster820.6025.37
Will Dunn329.3312.00

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