109 / 3
(12.4 Overs )
106 / 8
(18.2 Overs )

69Hers Won by 5 wickets
Player of the Match
50 (26)


69Hers vs Babelas 8
Tournament: Bedfordview 3 (Sat)
Date: 31/07/2021
Time: 8:30
Venue: Dawnview Middle
Umpire(s): Chris Pretorius,
Batted First: Babelas 8
Babelas 8 scored 106 / 8 after 18.200 overs
69Hers scored 109 / 3 after 12.400 overs
Match Result: 69Hers Won by 5 wickets
Player of the Match: Dylan Groenewald (69Hers)
69Hers Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Lukas van Wyk28519.7326.46
Chris(Karate) Martins23713.9433.71
Dylan Groenewald18855.7926.34
Steven Laas13729.3750.25
Andre Botha9923.3071.28
Shaun Boucher 8414.8030.25
Jan Pienaar2827.6434.00
Jacques Botha2217.6151.50
Babelas 8 Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Jaun-Rich Muller20750.8414.96
Hein 12 Muller16114.3731.09
Sonny 03 Zackey14627.9923.85
Pieter Snr Theron14415.0129.75
Barend Huyzer8525.6821.08
Dillon Wolmarans706.5330.43
Zelvin Wilkinson3726.5933.63
Duane Crawford36.5023.50

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