152 / 3
(16.1 Overs )
151 / 7
(20.0 Overs )

Thick and Tired Won by 5 wickets
Player of the Match

Thick and Tired vs Inala Impalas
Tournament: Boland Friendlies
Date: 02/05/2021
Time: 14:30
Venue: Distell - Adam Tas Road
Umpire(s): Spook Mynhardt, Ryan Vermeulen, Johan Heyns,
Batted First: Inala Impalas
Inala Impalas scored 151 / 7 after 20.000 overs
Thick and Tired scored 152 / 3 after 16.100 overs
Match Result: Thick and Tired Won by 5 wickets
Player of the Match: Steven Rothquel (Thick and Tired)
Thick and Tired Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Gareth Hughes8927.668.00
Reuel Miller8212.9732.10
Steven Rothquel732.6623.00
Dylan Mackenzie562.3316.25
Nic Britz441.5012.00
Tebogo Saaiman37.0067.00
Dune Tancrel224.0014.00
Samuel Wallace277.0042.00
Inala Impalas Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Marcel Norman11511.8033.45
Francois Kruger5518.9737.60
Wicus Ras4530.6547.08
Arno Stickling4322.62145.00
Willem Evenwel3530.9668.00
Pieter Joubert1314.7239.37
Drikus Muller222.0014.00
Dylan Lucas18.0021.00

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