140 / 6
(18.4 Overs )
139 / 8
(19.3 Overs )

Genesis Old Boys Won by 2 wickets
Player of the Match

Genesis Old Boys vs Old Boys
Tournament: EastRand Friendlies
Date: 18/04/2021
Time: 10:20
Venue: Boksburg City Stadium
Umpire(s): Promise Gwangu,
Batted First: Old Boys
Old Boys scored 139 / 8 after 19.300 overs
Genesis Old Boys scored 140 / 6 after 18.400 overs
Match Result: Genesis Old Boys Won by 2 wickets
Player of the Match: Steven van Zyl (Old Boys)
Genesis Old Boys Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Mike Findlay287.0928.00
Dean Lotter43.508.00
Aidan Smit251.007.00
Nicholas Farinha136.0025.00
Keith Viljoen120.007.00
Matthew Van Der Byl111.0039.00
Jaryd Smit14.007.00
Hugh Scott15.008.00
Old Boys Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Steven van Zyl334.5034.50
Aaron Thiele13.0039.00
Orrin Alexander13.00.00
Rudi Steyn1.0016.50
Vassily Bartman14.00.00
Donovsn Spaey110.00.00
Adrian Preston141.0023.00
Leonard Koen16.0035.00

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