90 / 8
(16.3 Overs )
91 / 2
(11.4 Overs )

Goannas Won by 6 wickets
Player of the Match
48 (31)


Pumpin Booty vs Goannas
Tournament: #LMSCBR - Michael Buhagiar 'RUOK?' Cup
Date: 06/09/2020
Time: 11:45
Venue: Deakin 211 (Deakin 3)
Umpire(s): Connor 'Mutant' Brown,
Batted First: Pumpin Booty
Pumpin Booty scored 90 / 8 after 16.3 overs
Goannas scored 91 / 2 after 11.4 overs
Match Result: Goannas Won by 6 wickets
Player of the Match: Sukoon Gupta (Goannas)
Pumpin Booty Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
David Sankey18712.8430.61
Harry (Mr Worldwide) Bergman15639.4631.66
Dane Clarkson14736.7327.88
Douggie Steltenpool11910.3537.01
Liam Moxon4223.7046.66
Clinton Murdoch117.5028.40
Neil Motbey1023.7175.50
Gokul Shankar32.0019.50
Goannas Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Sukoon Gupta40827.7332.04
Joshua Butson14234.0028.91
Jason Finley11924.4130.78
Brad Finley6638.3137.53
Varun Chhikara6322.8424.41
Eric 'Dizzy' Malcolm5016.6822.95
Terry Geiger1410.7143.60
Ricky Ricardo322.0051.00

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